Section 54

The Commission Supervising the Office of Personal Data
Protection Committee shall have the following powers and duties:

(1)to prescribe administration policy and give approval to the Office’s
operation plan;

(2)to issue rules governing the organization, financial matters, human

resources administration, general administrative works, internal audit,
including welfares and support services of the Office;

(3)to approve the annual operation plan, annual spending plan and
annual budget of the Office;

(4)to control the administration and operation of the Office and the Secretary-General
to be in accordance with this Act and other related laws;

(5)to appoint a selection committee for the selection of the Secretary-General;

(6)to determine any appeals against the administrative orders of the Secretary-General
in the part of the Office’s administration;

(7)to evaluate the result of the Office’s operation and the Secretary-General’s work performance;

(8)to perform any other duties prescribed by this Act or other related laws as the
duties and power of the Commission Supervising the Office of Personal Data Protection
Committee or as assigned by the Committee or the Cabinet.

For the rules in (2), if there is a restriction of the power of the Secretary-General in
entering into a juristic act with a third party, it must be published in the Government Gazette.