PDPA in Action E-learning 32 In 1

Course Details

Course title Instructor Course description Duration Order
1. Fundamental of Personal Data Protection (PDPA) Sukrit Koyakradej This course emphasizes on basic knowledge of PDPA Law and basic principles of the law. 4.08hr Order
2. Document Preparation Sanpob Pornwattanakij Document Preparation for better understanding of roles and responsibilities of DPO, DP and DC 3.73hr Order
3. PDPA for SMEs - Udomtipok Phaikaset, Ph.D.
- Sukrit Koyakradej
- Sanpob Pornwattanakij
Encourage learners to manage and develop SME organizations in compliance with the PDPA law smoothly and efficiently. 1.37hr Order
4. PDPA for Management - Udomtipok Phaikaset, Ph.D.
- Sukrit Koyakradej
- Sanpob Pornwattanakij
Exclusively for the management team to comprehend and ensuring smooth and compliant operations in accordance with the PDPA 1.55hr Order
5. PDPA for HR - Mayuree Chuanchom PDPA related to HRM covering from recruitment to termination 2.33hr Order
6. 123 Case Asst.Prof.Dr.Thitat Chavitjinda Allow participants to apply the knowledge and understanding they gain into practical scenarios. 12.11hr Order
7. Data Flow Diagram Sukrit Koyakradej One of crucial tools to understand PDPA comprehensively 3.95hr Order
8. IT Management & Governance for IT Bhadhai Ghoshachandra This course will enable you to enhance your knowledge and comprehension of managing IT tasks that involve personal data protection. 4.22hr Order
9. IT Management & Governance for Non IT Bhadhai Ghoshachandra This course will help you become familiar with and understand IT management related to data protection laws and regulations to a greater extent. 4.22hr Order
10. Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) Management Rachen Panichdee This course will help you understand the management of data subjects' rights and enable you to handle access requests to data appropriately 4.22hr Order
11. Internal Audit - Songpol Hnubanko
- Krittapon Srirasa
This program will enable participants to plan internal audits accurately and appropriately. 3.60hr Order
12. PDPA for E-Commerce Worawut Saibua Best suitable for those who work in e-commerce, sales department or other related sectors 2.09hr Order
13. PDPA for Digital Marketing siripat klumklin Best for those who work in digital marketing or other related sectors 1.57hr Order
14. PDPA for Sales Department Natita Chayaopars When sales employees who often deal with large amount of personal data; violate PDPA, who will be held responsible? 3hr Order
15. PDPA for Accounting Department napatsorn wuttirojrungsri Reduce the risks of potential penalties and fines under PDPA, as well as maintain the professional image and trustworthiness of accountants 3hr Order
16. PDPA for Procurement Department patcharanan yimsumran Procurement Department is one of the essential components in collecting personal data, which may pose risks of unknowingly breaching individuals' rights 2.30hr Order
17. PDPA for Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) Sathaporn Chayaopars attend this particular course if you wish not to lose the customer from neglecting PDPA 2.45hr Order
18. PDPA Lawful Basis: Consent Sanpob Pornwattanakij Covering enforcement, Necessity, Risk Management. Learners will able to handle the risks and manage data effectively, along with case studies 3.30hr Order
19. PDPA Lawful Basis: Contract Asst.Prof.Dr.Thitat Chavitjinda What type of organization faces risks and how should they manage it when using contract basis with customers/partners? 2.30hr Order
20. DSR (Data Subject Right) Paisan Samipat Step-by-step process of managing data subject right, understanding the core, along with an easy-to-understand guide exclusively designed for PDPA Thailand. 2.30hr Order
21. Privacy Notice Asst.Prof.Dr.Thitat Chavitjinda The most practical privacy notice course, taught by PDPA experts and legal professionals 2.45hr Order
22. Data Breach Management Chamaiporn Wutthimanop If a data breach occurs, what should be done?! Prevention is better than cure! 2.30hr Order
23. RoPA (Record of Processing Activities) Nut Thanawanakul Key aspects to avoid mistakes in PDPA 2.30hr Order
24. PDPA for Private School Supitcha Eakyati Specially for private scool with the highest risk for violating minors personal data. 4hr Order
25. PDPA for Tutorial School and Professional Development School Supitcha Eakyati Reduce risk Increase trustworthiness with this program designed especially for tutorial school 3.45hr Order
26. PDPA for Franchisee Mayuree Chuanchom Interesting fact! the more franchisee, the higher the risk of data breaching 3hr Order
27. PDPA for Health Clinic Krittapon Srirasa The course will help learners become familiar with PDPA as it relates to healthcare-related departments in clinics or medical facilities. 2.30hr Order
28. PDPA for Tourism: Hotel Sukrit Koyakradej The business has to be ready for thereturning of tourists 3hr Order
29. PDPA for Tourism: Tour Operator and Travel Agent Sukrit Koyakradej This course led by experts with experience in PDPA implementation for Thailand's hotels and tourism industry 3hr Order
30. OIA (Office of International Affairs) **Advance** Asst.Prof.Dr.Thitat Chavitjinda Delve into data protection according to the 2540 Government Information Act 2.30hr Order
31. PDPA for Data Governance Assoc.Prof.Dr.Somchai Numprasertchai Increase understanding and awareness on data protection and data governance 2.45hr Order
32. PDPA for Dormitory and Apartment rakti yuankratoke "Whether you are an owner or a tenant, you need to know how to properly handle personal data 3hr Order